Saturday, December 12, 2009

The BIG Announcement!

So, you've been patient. Yes, we're late in getting out the announcement. But, we decided to tell family first, close supporters of Seasons of Life and our Board of Directors, and then leak it out to the rest of the world. But, if you're reading this, you're probably a pretty good friend of ours because we've got almost a thousand friends on Facebook and a good 900 of them will never get to this link.

That means, you're our peeps. Merry Christmas, peeps! And, if you haven't already guessed the gender of the twins, you're at least partly right. Will it be blue, pink, or blue and pink? Well, the first thing we got to see on the ultrasound (really, the first thing we saw), was our son's most distinguishing characteristic at this stage of the game. Then, we discovered that his sister was created with the opposite kind of equipment.

That means Presleigh and Brianna will have a new sister and brother coming home sometime between March and May!!!

Thanks, to everyone who made it out to the Seasons of Life Christmas party. We're so grateful to have the awesome, ongoing support of so many amazing people. (Some of whom were nice enough to show up for a while before ditching us for Louie Giglio and Chris Tomlin. We don't mind taking second place to the likes of them!

With a lot going on the next couple of days, I'll try to get some scans of the ultrasound photos up soon. Thanks, for reading and if you're a subscriber, don't miss our upcoming Seasons of Life email update due out this week!


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The 411 Is on the Way

This Friday afternoon, Mommy goes in for an extensive ultrasound to give us all more info on the twins - including the answer to "2 boys/2 girls/ or one of each?" They'll also do a test (which we may or may not get back soon) to tell us whether they're identical or fraternal twins! Are we excited, or what?!

More details as we get them. In the meantime, thank you for all of your prayers!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

You're smart!!!

Yeah, if you're reading this post, you saw the Facebook comment and thought "I wonder if Aarron's crazy enough to get that blog name before I do?!"


Yep, that's Papa Pina.

Thanks, for tuning in, and giving me another project to work on!!! We'll get this thing customized for the twins soon enough. In the meantime, you can find some updates on Presleigh's blog from time to time.

in Christ,