Thursday, June 10, 2010

How DID we get this far?

It's really hard to believe that these two incredible blessings of ours are officially 8 weeks old!

After building up and building up, it looks like Jovi and Jezreel are now about 12 to 14 lbs. - that's twice their birth weight! In just 8 weeks? It just seems like this leap in size took so much longer with Presleigh. "Can't you just stay teeny for a couple more months?"

Nope. Time marches on!

Yet, if you interviewed either Cristine or I, you'd hear us tell a very different story: sleep... is... a... priceless... commodity!!! Sometimes, it seems like the feed-wake-change-sleep cycle never ends. Alright, it never really does end!

The count goes on - we're at roughly 950 diapers since birth. Yes, that's a LOT of diapers, right? With two, it's a totally different ballgame than with one. No, I don't just mean the diaper changing, but the feeding, waking, getting back to sleep, changing again ("didn't I just change your diaper?!")

Yet, it's far more than twice the blessing. I am amazed at the little nuances we both see in our twins. (Not to mention the ongoing advances that both Presleigh and Brianna continue to make.) Little changes to their faces, new coos and moves, bigger fingers than I think they had yesterday... Life unfolding - what an amazing witness to the glory of our sovereign God. "The heavens declare the glory of God..." yet, so do some of His smallest creations, no?

In no particular order, here are some recent photos of the babes, as promised. After getting Jezreel and Jovi a bit chunkier, we were able to really dig in to the Babywise techniques and I'm grateful to say, we're getting a bit more than 4 hours of sleep at a time, provided our bodies don't naturally wake us up at 3AM thinking we're about to miss a feeding.

Thank GOD we had a visit from an acquaintance turned new BFF - Lily. She and Cristine just got to know each other and it turns out they lived two towns apart back in New Jersey - how funny is THAT? Well, she and two of her 7 daughters (guh-WHAH?!) brought us an awesome Cuban dinner (Arroz y picadillo - NICE!) so, Papa got the night off from the cookin! Praise Christ, and thank you Lily & family!

Well, night-night for Mommy and Papa. Here's some pics, more to come.

Hey, if you're not already a supporter of Seasons of Life, would you consider it, even if only for a few bucks over the summer? As Papa begins to emerge from the fog, he'll be doing more fundraising. But, lately, we're back to praying, making the need known, and trusting God to provide. Actually, that's right where he's wanted us all along. Pray that we stay there and never move back into our own strength! So, you've read this - the need is now known. Click here to help out.

Peace & Go Celtics!


Night-night, Jovi!

Night-night, Jezreel!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

More Photos Coming

We've taken a little over a thousand photos of these two since they were born. Suffice it to say that with minimal sleep and lots of work, we've made little time to parse through all the snapshots.

Since the twins are sleeping a little longer at night, we're just about ready to barrage their blog with a TON of photos. So, sit tight, keep your eyes open, and click back here before the weekend's over and you'll get a look at what can happen to newborn twins in a mere 7 weeks!
