Monday, February 8, 2010

Is No News Good News?

We hope so.

Today, we got another good look at Jovi and Jezreel (though we couldn't get any really high quality new glamor shots). Everything looks normal in terms of height and growth (both measuring in the 2 to 3 lb range for now... Mercy!!!) As for the aqueduct in Jezreel's brain, we've got roughly the same measurement we had four weeks ago - between 1.06 and 1.14 cm. This means there's still some swelling there, but it hasn't gotten any worse.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but if he's grown an inch or two in size and the measurement stayed the same, doesn't that paint a picture of the body's overall growth outpacing the swollen part? Perhaps. I'm comforted by the "no worse" prognosis. My prayer is that Cristine is comforted equally.

Of course, this begs the question: will I find my comfort in statistics and measurements or the Lord, who cannot be measured? Fair question. I'd prefer to lean on Him than on the wisdom of men any day. And so, I will.

Thank you, for the many who have kept us and the twins in your prayers and thank God, who is perfect and yet condescends to listen to the desires of our hearts.

in Christ,


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