Wednesday, February 3, 2010

You Need an Update!

Today we've had a lot of blog traffic, which is cool. But, we haven't posted since way back in December - which is not cool!

To that end, here's the promised scan of Jovi and Jezreel. As you can see, we've caught her lounging around in her womb, minding her own business. With all the kicking she's been doing, that's certainly a rare moment.

Jezreel is seriously chillaxin, too - check out the thumb in the mouth action already! Don't let him fool you, though - he's quite a kicker, too. Could we have early walkers in their sister, Presleigh's footsteps?

Ugh! Take your time and crawl, kiddos!

These scans, from January look mostly normal. Mostly... The doctor was very frank with us about Jezreel, though. Within his head is a place where the CSF (cerebro-spinal fluid) typically enters the brain cavity to bath and protect the brain. In Jez's case, this aqueduct is inflamed. Typically at this stage of growth, we expect to see the measurement of this part of the brain at about 1cm or less. Jezreel's measures 1.17 cm.

This is not a huge discrepancy, but it is something to watch. Next week, we return for another regularly scheduled ultrasound where we'll get an update. The tough news is, regardless of whether he outgrows this anomaly or not, we can only wait. There is no in-utero solution for this. Once he's born, if it's still an issue, it will have to be monitored and can be shunted, but little more.

Are we concerned? Yes. Are we freaked out? No. It's purely a trusting game in which we wait on the Lord and see what His ultimate plans are. We are encouraged and hopeful. Your prayers are certainly welcomed for Jezreel's brain and for Mommy's back.

Did I mention Mommy is whooped?

So, keep us all in your prayers that we will trust in God so ruthlessly that we'll stay focused yet peaceful with all He is up to. Ultimately, we have no control over much more than our attitudes and that's right where God wants us anyway, right?

More news next week!

in Christ,


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