Saturday, November 13, 2010

One of Those "Day We've Been Waiting For" Days

No, they're not walking yet. But, stay tuned - we could be looking at a pair of early walkers in another couple of months. Two more days, and they'll be 7 months! WOW.

Anyway, today's news is that it's an official "Day We've Been Waiting For". About two years ago, we saw this... this... kitchen gadget... power tool... VitaMix thing demo'd at a local wholesale club. When we saw all it could do and how it could be used to prepare healthier, simpler foods, we were all in... except for the biggie price tag. Now, you know us - you know we're not buyers of big ticket items. No fancy TVs, no ostentatious furniture or decor, etc.

Would this be an exception? Well, considering it was about a $350 item, we'd be certain to have to save up and put that sucker on layaway. And we did. Presleigh was born and didn't see it yet. It wasn't until this year's tax return came in that we were able to slap down some cash to get one of these crazy things. Literally, about 200 smoothies, pounds of ice, heads of purple cabbage, red grapes, apples, bananas, mangos, salsa ingredients, batches of tortilla soup, carrots, mint lemonade, frappucinos, marinara sauces, and batches of fluffy pancakes later, we FINALLY got around to making a few batches of baby food!

Today's experiment? Can we turn a batch of apples into bona fide baby food?

If you're anything like me, watch and smile.

Jovi and Jez did!

They're having a great time right now, napping in the swings. Earlier today, Jezreel showed off his "rock and roll" moves by rocking on his hands and knees in a not-too-far-from-the-real-thing attempt to crawl. Then, on realizing he wasn't making forward progress, elected to roll halfway across both the living room and dining rooms to get to nowhere in particular. Whoaboy, he's going to be another rough and tumble kid like Presleigh!

Jovi, in her joviality, simply rolls around and laughs at everything. What a ball of overflowing joy - aptly named!

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