Thursday, April 8, 2010

Drum Roll, annnnnnnnd Nothing!!!

So, the contraction meter that was hooked up to Cristine was very active most of the night... most of the night. Somewhere in the medium hours of the morning the large, lengthy, and frequent contractions she was having gave way to a strange absence of contractions. Babies look fine, heartbeats strong, just no more contractions and a high cervix. If Mommy had dilated any more than the 2 cm she was at when we came in, the Doctor said he'd have kept us and induced. But, as it stands...

"You're free to head home..."

That's what we want to hear AFTER the babies come. Can someone shake that Doctor, make sure his batteries are fresh, and see if he understands we're ready to have us some twins?!

Thanks for all the prayers, keep them coming, we're headed back to Cumming, and hopefully the contractions will be coming back, we'll be coming back, and the babies will be coming to Cumming today... tonight... this week...

God is righteous, sovereign, and good.

in Him,


1 comment:

  1. NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Dang I so know that frustration!!!!! Hang in their =)
