Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Heading Out Soon?

We had a rather uneventful visit to the hospital last week - you know, contractions, little dilation, blah, blah, blah... Then we knew we'd be off to see the OB and the Perinatal gang again on Monday. At this point, Momma had resigned herself to hearing either or both Doctors say "come back in another week!"

Instead, there was light at the end of the tunnel - the cervical tunnel, that is!!! Both agreed that the babies look really healthy (6lbs. 6oz. and 7lbs. healthy, at that) and are ready to join us outside the womb - SOON!!! In fact, we've made plans to head down to the hospital so they can head out on Thursday!

Mommy feels great about having a date-certain, and Papa's grateful to be able to set down all the plans that were previously floating. He's also looking forward to what many are referring to as "vacation" for the rest of the month. But, we know him better than that. He'll be cooking up a storm in the kitchen, taking care of Mommy and the twins, getting Brie and Presleigh off to school, and preparing a lot of reading and writing projects that can be done while the twins are (hopefully) sleeping blissfully.

We're extremely excited to meet Jezreel and Jovi and can tell by all the kicking in there that the feeling is reciprocated.

Keep us all in your prayers, as always.

in Christ,

AP & Fam

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