Sunday, April 25, 2010

Les Photos...

We've been counseled to be selfish this first two weeks - not the "three pieces of cake for me and no cake for you" kind of selfish, but the "y'all just had twins and need to keep your priorities straight" kind of selfish. I think we've done a pretty good job of it. We're getting some good, two hour chunks of sleep in between feedings and a few friends have visited with meals and a box or two of diapers. All in all, it's one wild experience that we are thoroughly grateful for.

Hope you enjoy some of these first "official" photos from our collection!


Jezreel arrives!

Joyful Jovi!

Mommy & her only son

Sunrise, Day 3

Sunrise, Day 3

Cristine - Elastigirl... and the two new Incredibles!

He does this one sided "Harrison Ford half-smile" like Papa

"Don't make me come over there!"

Brie and the wee-ones

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